Hi folks,
I once had a teacher who told me that for each complex problem there is one simple, but wrong, answer.
While I recognise many valid points made by those commenting on that topic by A@G, I might say guys, that the main argument maybe too simplistic, to say the best, statiscally speaking.
Probably some of you have heard about Complex Social Networks analytic models, anyway, it basically highlight that in phenomena like rumours spreading, the information transmission grows exponentially, so, considering that Jehovah's witnesses work involves:
1. Some diffusion by internet (their websites) and "disobedient" JW and students in forums, etc.
2. Word of mouth from some students and interested ones in their family and friend circle,
3. Diffusion from so-called "opposers" of the JW's interpretation of Good News (e.g., "JW teachs that there will be a paradise on earth and Mat. 6.9 will be fullfilled in such and such way BUT....), plus their literature (i.e., the literatures that is not totally eliminated in rubish).
4. The "rumor" does not cease while JW still keep doing the door to door work even considering the caveats highlighted in the previous post.
Then we have a initial amount of variables to consider whether their interpretation of the first part of Mat. 24.14 could be plausible or not.
Some may find interesting these sources on Rumours dynamics, with apologies if it may sound too technical, but you could only try the introduction and conclusion if you wish.
Best regards,